If you saw Big Fat Greek Wedding, you know that Windex plays heavily in the Greek home to fix all ills. I do recall a lot of it at my grandparent’s house, so maybe they got a huge case of it when they arrived at dockside at Ellis Island back in 1906: “Hi, welcome to America: here’s your case of Windex–it fixes everything! ”
Wish I could fix it all with one neat sweep! Here are a few Quick Tips to tackle your New Year Resolutions /challenges in bite-sized pieces:
1. CLARIFY your goals for the year. Make a bucket list of things important to you–not necessarily to everyone else. You will be more motivated when you’re passionately connected with your authentic goals.
2. COMMIT: GET A WITNESS! Pick someone you consider a dream supporter, NOT a dream squasher! Ask them to ask you if you did that one task by a certain deadline. Tell them your reward/consequence if you did or didn’t. They can be on the celebration side if you did. Ask them to come up with a negative consequence if you don’t do the step.
3. CANCEL clutter, things, activities…yes, even toxic people from your world. Renew your relationship with your “Delete” key and go on a ‘Delete Fest” with spam emails, unsubscribe to mailing lists, clear out duplicate files (digital and paper), stop going to those boring parties, meetings, events, and just say “no” to the vampire life-sucking people who hang on because you allow it.
4. CREATE the energy-building connections you crave. Be proactive. Stop waiting for opportunities to ride up on that white horse; make them happen-one step at a time.
5. CONCENTRATE and REINFORCE your goals with obvious visual cues: signage on your desk, PC, mirror, near your clock, etc.
6. CELEBRATE and ACCELERATE! Have your own Prize Closet. Stock it with things and outings to reward your diligence. Indulge yourself in something you’ve always wanted to do. Some people have the guilty pleasure of just hiding away for a few precious minutes and reading. You’d be surprised how a simple pleasure can really recharge your spirits.
Alright, now, go out there and use that WINDEX! You have at least 6 different squirts to choose from. OPA!
Enjoy the journey!
Kelli V.
Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂